
Friday, March 2, 2012

Endometriosis increases the risk of ovarian cancer

Endometriosis affects 10 percent of women of reproductive age , which means that around one million sufferers. It is a hormone-dependent disease, ie, produced by the action of estrogens, which stimulate the growth of the endometrium. To understand more about the disease, a group of specialists from different U.S. universities analyzed the results of 13 studies theme that included data from a total of 23 000 women, to try to understand the correlation between endometriosis and the possibility of developing cancer of the ovary.

"Considering the data from these investigations, we established a strong link between endometriosis and the risk of developing ovarian cancer in three types: clear cell, endometrioid and serous low-grade . However, most women with endometriosis fortunately not develop these tumors. However, we believe that physicians should be alert and try to notice this condition as soon as possible so that way he can control, "explained the charge of the review in the recent edition of The Lancet . The endometrium.

The endometrium, etiology of this condition, is a tissue that lines the entire interior of uterus and that usually clears each period. However, it may be that this does not happen or at least not entirely. That's when you begin to form " endometriotic lesions "in the ovaries and in all other organs of the female pelvis. This is because once stayed outside the uterine cavity, endometrial tissue grows because it reacts to the hormonal changes characteristic of the menstrual cycle and generates a kind of scar which in turn causes inflammation and pain .

So the main manifestation of endometriosis occurs precisely to menstruation (ie when there is ovarian activity). warning signs and risks The main symptom of endometriosis is pain a woman feels, especially when menstruating . However, according to Dr. Juan Jose Etchepareborda, president of the Sociedad Argentina de Endometriosis (SAE), " The main risk lies in the possibility of developing infertility , since it is estimated that between 25 and 40 percent of women who have difficulties to get pregnant have endometriosis. " "So you have to do is find the disease in women with a family history of endometriosis, but also started menstruating early, with heavy menstrual flow or that fail to become pregnant "added the specialist. "What happens, complemented Dr. Luis Augé, a specialist in Reproductive Medicine, former president of Argentina Endometriosis Society and professor of gynecology at the UBA-is that endometriosis often does not give any symptoms. In this table, unless there are cases in the family and the woman approaches the clinic expressly for that background, it is difficult to detect pathology .

In addition, often the parameter of pain is not taken into account by the belief that reads: 'it is normal for women to feel pain when menstruating. "The truth is that this is not so. So we must look for endometriosis by clinically-reviewed medical consultation and examination, and by ultrasound, MRI and laparoscopy . " Data on the review so far, the studies that evaluated the relationship between endometriosis and the possibility of ovarian cancer have been contradictory. But in conducting this review of American specialists found that the presence of endometriosis increases in three times the risk of having a clear cell tumor in two chance of developing a tumor or tumor endometrioid serous low-grade (all ovarian cancer). In contrast, no relationship was observed between gynecological disorder and other ovarian tumors as mucinous carcinoma, the high-grade serous borderline tumors.

sTreatment Once endometriosis is present must act because, although not curable, it can be done to relieve pain, but also prevent the growth of endometriosis, decrease the possibility of injuries and improve fertility reappear . also recommend that women change their diet or use methods of exercise, relaxation and breathing to help relieve the pain. In what has to do with diet, experts suggest eating whole grains like rice and oats, but also eating a diet rich in fiber and, if possible, vegetarian . also advise eating lots of fruits and vegetables and incorporate fatty acids Omega 3 , found primarily in fish, since they have anti-inflammatory effect.

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