
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Speed ​​up your metabolism

Are not you answer with the 'speed' of your metabolism? These strategies - from your meals, fitness and bedtime - will help you accelerate it.

Consume Protein Protein is important for building muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn.

Speed ​​up your metabolism . Your muscles can use 30 grams of protein, according to a study Journal of the American Diabetic Association. Over that amount is stored as fat. Try to consume a minimum of 46 grams of protein per day.

Relieve your stress is impossible to live without problems, but continued anxiety can cause your adrenal glands release too much cortisol. High levels of stress hormone may change how your metabolism fat stores, sending fat to your midsection, where it affects your vital organs.

Speed ​​up your metabolism. Yoga can reduce stress by sending signals to your brain to lower levels cortisol, according to the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. There is evidence that meditation and tai chi can have the same effect.

>> 10 ways to get rid of stress develops muscle mass with age, you begin to lose muscle mass. Lifting weights helps maintain and develop muscles and, thus, your metabolism stays high. Speed ​​up your metabolism. Two or three times a week, complete your cardio workout with strength sessions 15 to 30 minutes . Do 12 to 20 repetitions of movements that involve as many muscles as squats, planks, lizards and bounds (lunges). Increase your cardiovascular exercise 45 minutes a session of intensive help you raise your basal metabolic rate or basic TMB the number of calories a person burns at rest, by 37% for up to 14 hours after exercising, according to a study of Medicine & Science in Sports Exercise $. Speed ​​up your metabolism. After a vigorous workout, your internal temperature rises and creates inflammation. This causes your body to use extra energy for your body to recover. Intervals during exercise are important for increasing the burning of calories during the workout, but to keep the metabolism revved hours after leaving the gym, you have to exercising once or twice a week for 45 minutes at a level that will sustain a difficult conversation. Relax after your workout and be happy with the fact that you can burn about 200 calories from your couch.

>> Marta Montenegro tells you what to eat and how to increase your metabolism exercising Consume lots of green plant-fiber helps stabilize blood sugar levels what keeps your metabolism running. In addition, the antioxidants in fruits and vegetables help your body to discard free radicals. Free radicals can affect healthy cells that your body needs to keep your metabolism strong. Extra pounds and health complications can result. Accelerates metabolism. Try to consume 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day. To get the most out of your calories, fill your plate with these ten foods also contain fiber, Norwegian researchers have found that have a high antioxidant capacity of nuts, pecans, sunflower seeds, dark chocolate, blackberries, blueberries, boiled artichokes, dried apricots, red cabbage and kale.

>> 5 foods to speed up the metabolism Sleep well Two sleepless nights can affect your metabolism - which increases levels of the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates hunger and minimize the levels of hormone leptin, which tells you when to stop eating, a study showed Endocrine Development. The research also indicated that sleep deprivation causes insulin resistance, which interferes as your metabolism processes fat and what might cause weight gain. Speed ​​up your metabolism. Seven to eight hours of sleep each night is considered the ideal .

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