
Friday, March 2, 2012

Give more "meat" to your immunity

These are the months when influenza is at its peak , according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but this year you can fight the disease from the kitchen. A number of foods that contain nutrients can reduce your risk of contracting the virus and minimize the severity of symptoms if you get to sick . You can stay healthy this season to add these foods to your menu. Lean. Zinc is essential to keep your white blood cells healthy and strong so they can attack invading bacteria and viruses. A 3.5 ounce serving provides up to 70% of the daily dose is needed and the sources of this mineral most easily absorbed. orange vegetables. Beta carotene, found in deep orange vegetables like squash, carrots and zucchini , is converted to vitamin A, stimulates immunity in the body. berries. The "skins" berry purple, blue and bright red are loaded with compounds called anthocyanins, phytochemicals that work to defend the body against infection. Search the berries out of season in the freezer section. Dairy. Recent studies have shown that people with lower levels of consumption of vitamin D more colds or flu than those with higher levels. Consume fortified foods like milk and yogurt to strengthen your immune system.

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