On the other hand, is also known that the presence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with increased cardiovascular risk. In fact, in people with CKD the chances of dying from a cardiac event increases 8 times.
The importance of early detection "The main problem of CKD is usually no symptoms until advanced stages. Therefore early identification is essential, as there therapeutic measures that decrease the progression and consequences. Through a simple blood and urine, and taking blood pressure, it is possible to detect any early sign of kidney disease, "Dr. William appropriated Fragale, medical staff of Nephrology, Hospital Universitario Austral (HUA) in Argentina. "The progression of renal disease is controllable if diagnosed early and as long as they adequately addressed the factors responsible for deterioration of renal function. That's why experts insist a lot in the prevention and management of risk factors, "said Dr. Felipe Inserra, nephrologist in charge of the Renal Health Program of Fresenius Medical Care Argentina.
Prevention "The nephroprotection-comprehensive health protection kidney-is basically preventing the impact systemic diseases, mainly hypertension and diabetes, but also requires specific tools such as diet and drugs, "said the doctor meanwhile Paul Raffaele, director of Nephrology and Dialysis Center Fresenius Medical Care - Favaloro Foundation. On Furthermore, it is important to avoid smoking, physical inactivity and obesity.
How food? To care for kidney health food should be healthy and varied, with foods low in sodium, potassium and phosphorus, as well as sugar and fat. The key is to choose and prepare dishes "kidney friendly", to care for their proper functioning. In this regard, experts recommend limiting the amount of dried fruit, nuts or chocolate chips as well as coconut, and vegetables such as priority peppers or squash, which are low in potassium. also important to avoid the use of soy sauce, which can be changed by vinegar, fruit juice, sesame oil and grated ginger. Finally, it is preferable to rule packaged soups and condiments ready to use. Source: Health News Pro.