
Friday, March 9, 2012

Zinc, present in oysters, how do we help?

We've all heard about oysters and the effects they have on people's sexual desires. Do not know about you, but just think of an oyster look closely, I'm good creepy! This is my personal perception of oysters, but I also know that oysters are loved by many and considered a delicacy. So how something so muddy and slimy can turn men on? In moderation, the oysters are indeed very healthy for you because they are high in zinc, a mineral used in the production of testosterone.

Zinc is also needed for the defense system (immune) from the body to function properly and plays an important role in cell division, cell growth in wound healing and the disintegration of carbohydrates. Zinc is also needed for the senses of smell and taste. A zinc deficiency can cause or worsen, from acne to diabetes. This is because zinc is necessary for the body to produce insulin (the hormone that regulates glucose levels in the blood), to eliminate harmful toxins and maintain a healthy immune system.

Zinc helps regulate insulin therefore helps regulate appetite. Insulin is a key hormone in the metabolism , and levels are increased along with body fat. Because obese people have high insulin levels a chronic, often become resistant to the hormone and eventually develop diabetes. In other words, foods rich in zinc are not only vital for our bodies but our help regulate insulin levels which in turn helps control our body weight. So what are the types of aphrodisiac foods containing these levels Elevated zinc? Before you begin to swallow foods high in zinc for breakfast, lunch and dinner, you should also consider that too much zinc can be toxic to your body. Therefore, the key is moderation.


Nuts          Sprockets
Turkey Pecans (pecans)
Tomatoes Chestnuts
Sweet potatoes (yams) Cashews
Sunflower seeds Cauliflower
Strawberries (strawberries) Peas
High fiber cereal Peanuts
Almonds Peaches
Zucchini Parmesan Cheese
Artichoke Cheese
Avocado Chicken
Spinach Mashed chickpeas (hummus)
Soja (Soybean) Chickpeas
Bananas Bananas Cucumbers
Beef Fish
Blackberry Red beans
Seafood Lettuce
Onion Olives
Oysters Eggs
Radish Kiwi
Pumpkin seed Crescent Bean (beans)
Pig Milk

The downside of eating these foods rich in zinc is that only 15% -40% of the zinc is absorbed into the body. The dietary fiber and phytic acid in the brain prevent the absorption of zinc in your body. However, according to research, if you increase the intake of foods containing Vitamin C, E, B6 and magnesium, they can help you better absorption. But remember again, everything in moderation. Too much of a good thing can also be detrimental to your health! Yes, even sex can cause problems too!

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