
Friday, October 28, 2011

Does it hurt your back? To practice yoga!

A new U.S. study says yoga can be very beneficial for those suffering back pain chronic. And it is this activity combines stretching exercises with breathing techniques and relaxation. Best of the discipline originating in India is that it can be done by people of all ages. The yoga began as an almost religious habit for a few. Over time, this exercise was taking more interest to become a fashion. Today, the practice of yoga has become established as a way to feel better and more in harmony with the body. remark that those who practice this discipline is the perfect combination of body and spirit, between form and substance. 

In fact, they argue that after a yoga session is not only possible to gain physical but also emotional. It was precisely this increased knowledge about the scope of the discipline which led, first, many doctors will recommend to their patients as treatment or therapeutic aid in the presence of illness or injury, especially trauma type. This created the space for researchers to begin to analyze the scope of yoga in the body. Thus, a team of researchers from the Institute of Health Research Seattle in the U.S., led by Dr. Karen Sherman, found, after analyzing between 2007 and 2009, 228 people suffering from chronic back pain that stretching exercises, a This classic of physical discipline, are more beneficial for these patients than any other type of physical activity. To get to this and other findings recently published in the medical journal Archives of Internal Medicine , scientists divided into three groups affected. While 92 people made ​​75 minutes of yoga per week (relaxation exercises, simple breathing and postures), done 91 other conventional stretching routines (strengthening exercises, with emphasis on the trunk and legs). 

Finally, 45 were assigned to instructive to read a lot - 'The Back Pain Helpbook' (the book helpful for back pain, according to the literal translation) - in which they were given some theoretical guidelines for care and relieve pain. After interviewing everyone to 6, 12 and 36 weeks led to the conclusion "while in the three groups was an improvement, the proportion was the same: patients who had received help only 'theoretical' had improved by 20 increased their welfare physical by 40 percent. " "Through the analysis, we found that there is ample physical benefits of practicing yoga in people with back pain but retain mobility, ie they are not prevented. without forgetting that even needed to corroborate what the effects of this discipline on the plane of mind. 

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