STUDY - Researchers have used the seeds of twenty-nine volunteers, each sample was divided into two halves, one of which was placed in close contact with a laptop with wireless enabled, while the other was kept under identical conditions, but Private proximity of the handset. After four hours on 25 percent of sperm "connected" has lost its motility, while those from distant computer has fallen only 14 percent. Additional 9 percent of male semen exposed to wi-fi has shown DNA damage delivered, reaching a rate three times higher than the semen sample used as a comparison.
BLAME THE WI-FI? - "The data in our possession - wrote Conrado Avendano of Reproductive Medicine Nascentis of Cordoba, who led the study - we suggest you place a laptop computer connected to the Internet via wi-fi near the male reproductive organs can lead to a lowering of the quality of sperm. At the moment we do not know whether this effect is induced from any laptop, or what are the precise conditions that put it in motion. " According to the Argentinean-American team would be the responsibility of the wi-fi and electromagnetic waves that this entails. In support of this thesis was conducted a parallel test for which was always envisaged the use of a laptop, but this time connected through the wires. In this case, the electromagnetic variations were considered irrelevant.
THE OPINION OF EXPERTS - According to Silvio Garattini, director of the Institute of Pharmacological Research Mario Negri, "The study was conducted in-vitro conditions and therefore not comparable to what can happen in vivo. The sperm cells during the experiment were four hours out of the body where they have not had the protection provided to them by other cells, tissues and body fluids in which they are stored before ejaculation. Of the same opinion Allan Pacey, of Sheffield University, which calls for caution, taking note also that "epidemiological studies are needed for a much wider reach this conclusion and, as far as I know, nobody has yet made." And then maybe it would be enough to simply use common sense to understand that to stay four hours with the laptop on, resting on the thighs and maybe even connected to wi-fi, can not destroy the sperm, but certainly not good for everything else.