
Friday, December 9, 2011

Half of men over 50 suffer from this problem

Although the symptoms are obvious and very annoying, often visiting the doctor and the diagnosis is delayed. And although half of men over 50 have prostate problems that impede the emptying of the bladder , few dare to talk about it and give solution. So although there are alternative therapies, pharmacological and surgical help decrease pain and slow the progression of the disease known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), only 30 percent of them receive treatment.

The disease affects 50 percent of men over 50 years and 90 percent of what we already passed 90. BPH symptoms include pain and discomfort that disrupt sleep and affect the lives of sufferers. What happens is that the prostate grows and obstructs the emptying of the bladder, mainly because the prostate obstructs the passage of urine. And as the picture gets worse, come the complications caused by acute urinary retention.

Hence, many men have to enter the hospital and undergoing bladder catheterization procedures and surgeries . "For many years we have alternatives that allow us to treat this condition before reaching the surgical request . We basically two types of drugs: alpha-blockers, whose action moves to relax the muscle of the prostate to improve the flow of liquids, and inhibitors of 5 alpha reductase, which act by blocking the pathophysiological mechanism of BPH, which is increased due to the action of testosterone, the male hormone, "he explained when interviewed by PRO-HEALTH News Dr. Gustavo Garrido, a specialist in urology. In general, small prostates, ie those with less than 40 grams or 40 milliliters of volume-responsive to the first, while the larger ones tend to have better results with the second option. "However, today we have the possibility of combination therapy for alpha-blockers are fast-acting, while the other drugs act more slowly.

So we can get in 24 hours the patient experienced relief of their symptoms, and then with time shrink the prostate and slow the progression of the disease , "said the specialist. " surgery , then, is used only in the 'absolute indications' . This means that we proceed when the patient is at risk of death from repeated infections. In such cases no or yes to operate. There is also another group of patients going to operation . are those who compose the group of 'indication of' composed of those who want a better answer than that obtained with the drugs ", added the specialist. "Patients are consulted, especially those experiencing symptoms, as these are very annoying. But of course when the symptoms are not so obvious, consultation and therefore the diagnosis is delayed. That's something you have to start to change, "concluded Dr. Gustavo Garrido.

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