
Saturday, December 3, 2011

New materials in pelvic floor surgery

New materials in pelvic floor surgery "are anatomical, are better designed and use of biocompatible materials," says Dr. Juan Evangelista de Burgos Ruiz Moreno, urologist USP San Camilo Hospital in Madrid. These advances allow for minimally invasive surgery and continuing for women who suffer from this problem.

Speaking to Europa Press, the expert acknowledged that the surgery was done before the appearance of these materials was not permanent and the pelvic floor of women returning to sag. This detachment discomfort, urinary incontinence or urinary problems, bowel or sexual abuse, which affect the quality of life of women.

The new materials that feed the current operations of the pelvic floor allows the surgeon to minimize handling. The detachment surgery is to reconstruct the pelvic floor muscles and strengthen weakened pelvic floor membranes using this mesh support devices. Thus, the mesh of Genital Prolapse Nuvia SI (Single Incision), which are placed vaginally through a "minimally invasive", conform to the anatomy of each patient.

According to the urologist, the devices are a "very fine and delicate, perfectly designed", which places the pelvic organs where they were previously, "as if to strengthen the beams of a house," and the structure is like a young person.


The urologist has recognized that it is a very simple operation, and in this sense, has been such that, during the 'Day Surgical Pelvic Floor and Stress Urinary Incontinence', organized by the USP San Camilo Hospital (Madrid), involved twelve women between 55 and 85 years. The interventions, which lasted between 30 and 60 minutes, were performed with local anesthesia.

Thus, after the woman goes under the knife should be entered between 24 and 72 hours and then is discharged. Although generally not necessary to continue treatment, the practitioner has qualified that "some people are advised to do some type of rehabilitation."

The sagging of the pelvic floor - which affects one third of women - is the detachment of the muscles holding the bladder, rectum and uterus through the vagina. The expert reported that "many women are starting to happen in a mild and are leaving because they do not care" but that should be made to consultation.

Finally, the urologist indicated that genetic factors, certain jobs, such as those carried out in the garden, childbirth, constipation and obesity are crucial when you have this situation.

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