
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Lasting energy without sugar

Sugary snacks lead to increased energy, but this is usually temporary. The way that a rise in blood sugar and low self making you feel slow, moody and demanding something sweeter. Better choose snacks that contain fiber, protein and healthy carbohydrates to keep your sugar level and your energy high. Bayas. One cup of raspberries or blackberries has 8 grams of fiber. The high fiber foods release sugar into your bloodstream more slowly, so you will not have sudden ups and downs. Eat the berries with low fat cheese to make a complete meal. Lentils.

These vegetables are high in iron - one cup has about 80% of the recommended daily dose. And obtain the required dose of the mineral is key, without it your blood can not properly distribute oxygen through your body, which will make you feel tired. Help yourself to the lentils with foods rich in vitamin C such as peppers, these nutrients maximize iron absorption. Popcorn. Vitamin B in this snack helps convert food into energy you can use. And like berries, fiber popcorn ('popcorn') maintains the sugar level blood flow. Spice up spray popcorn with flavored olive oil. nonfat Greek yogurt.

Compared to regular nonfat yogurt, this snack contains more than twice the energy provided by protein (18 grams for a 6-ounce serving). It also has less sugar than the regular style, helping to avoid drastic changes in blood sugar. Mix with fruit for extra fiber. Edamame. One cup has 17 grams protein, 8 grams of fiber and 15 grams of carbohydrates that are digested slowly - an ideal combination to take slow motion at full speed.

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