
Friday, December 9, 2011

Syrups and sedatives should never be taken at random

Dry, oily, metallic, whooping: there are many types of cough. The important thing is do not underestimate it, but try to understand the causes, because the only way you can fight properly. "The cough is a reflex of defense in an explosive way to remove an irritant from the airways - Giorgio Walter Canonica says, director of the Clinic of Allergology and Respiratory Diseases, University of Genoa, at the Hospital San Martin -. Usually occurs during the cold months and depends on viral infections. The occasional episode (acute cough) no cause for concern over 5-6 days go by yourself or with the help of common anti-cough, of which but one should not abuse and that is good to take only after consulting your doctor or pharmacist."

The cough may be the important indicator of disease?
"A persistent cough for many years was considered an alarm bell of asthma, in reality there are other causes, including gastroesophageal reflux and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In the case of reflux cough is due to irritation of the respiratory mucosa caused by rising material acid from the stomach to the throat. COPD is a disease in which the respiratory capacity decreases gradually for chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both. If you suffer from - often smokers or former smokers - has a chronic cough, phlegm and breathing difficulties. But chronic cough can also be the indicator of lung cancer, especially if undergoes changes, for example, fat becomes dry or vice versa. "

As you can understand the cause of cough?
"If it is dry and has arisen recently is likely to be caused by respiratory infections, but may also be a side effect of the drug, for example of ACE inhibitors. The cough, sputum with yellow-brown, is characteristic of COPD and acute bronchitis, and if the cause is asthma cough can be either dry or oily, but the sputum is clearer to the absence of germs. A cough and metallic barking is often a sign of tracheal disease, while the whooping , particularly in children, may be linked to pertussis. If the cough lasts for a long time or is repeated often is always good to investigate, for example, allergy testing, spirometry or specific tests if we assume a gastroesophageal reflux. "

How is treated?
"At the first hint of a cough is not necessary to hit the ground running with the widely popular syrups, used too often superficial, thus increasing the risk of side effects. The antitussives, for example, if used correctly can inhibit the cough reflex, facilitating the accumulation of secretions in the bronchi which results in increasing the risk of infecting. Rather, if the episode is not resolved within a few days, best to consult your doctor to understand the cause and take action at the root. "

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