
Monday, November 14, 2011

Vaginismus, a problem with physical and emotional solution

Vaginismus affects 12% of Spanish women, according to the Spanish Society of General Medicine . It is impossible to have sexual intercourse because of the involuntary contraction of the muscles of the vagina . Most are psychological causes of vaginismus and its origin can be a traumatic experience, sexual abuse, fear of disease STIs or pregnancy. But there are also physical causes such as vaginal infections, birth trauma or sequelae after gynecological surgery.

Dilatation as a remedy

There are two types of vaginismus:

  • Primary 

      is when a woman has never been able to have sex or get some kind of penetration.

  • Secondary 

      happens in a woman who has been able to achieve vaginal penetration normally, but suddenly feels unable             to do so.

In all cases, vaginismus is to treat both physically and emotionally . In cases where we have used the expansion (systematic desensitization), the treatment success rate exceeds 90%. dilators gradually allow you to practice vaginal regain flexibility Assuming that the right thing always go to the specialist, the woman who suffering from vaginismus can practice at home the proper pelvic exercises . You can also use vaginal dilators . Dilators, as well as for women suffering from vaginismus problems are also useful for women with dispaurencia (painful intercourse), who have recently given birth or have undergone gynecological operations. dilators combines pieces of different sizes and offer practice exercises gradually, while recovering the vaginal flexibility . The result may be a correct answer to penetration without suffering any discomfort.

Vaginismus and other disorders

According to the Spanish Society of General Medicine, the sexual appetite or lack of desire is the first sexual problem in women, with a prevalence ranging between 30 and 50% of the population. vaginismus is followed, as we said, affects 12% of women and dyspareunia ( pain during intercourse ), also at 12%. Anorgasmia (lack or insufficiency of sexual orgasm), affects 10 to 40% of Spanish, depending on the age group studied.

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