
Thursday, November 3, 2011

A high number of women never or rarely reach orgasm during sex: Imesex

According to research from the Mexican Institute of Sexology (Imesex) which met about a thousand women, half of those surveyed said they never or rarely reaches orgasm in their sexual encounters, reports Juan Luis Alvarez-Gayou , therapist founder of that institution. The study was conducted in the Federal District, Morelos, Oaxaca, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Yucatan, Chiapas and Aguascalientes.

The orgasm, this energy release lasts only a few seconds, is much more than a body sensation and can be addressed edges from biological, psychological and social, according to experts interviewed by this newspaper.

The anorgasmia, previously known as frigidity , disused term by experts, who consider it a vague concept, if not pejorative, is the inability to reach climax a sexual relationship . From a biological standpoint, the body's endocrine changes can reduce the level of androgens and thus the sexual desire, says Matilde Matuk , member of the psychoanalytic society of Mexico .

Other biological factors involved in the operation sexual response can be vaginal infections, menopause or the effect of medication. But not a single reported case of primary anorgasmia, even in women who have undergone genital mutilation (cliterodectomía), says Noemi Ehrenfeld, researcher attached to the Department of Reproductive Biology Unit of Iztapalapa Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM). Psychological Problems Lack of sexual pleasure can also be caused by psychological factors, especially those who suffered sexual abuse. For example, "when the person is afraid to confront sexuality any previous experience or misconceptions about sex, which causes the muscles involuntarily tighten the vagina and sexual intercourse painful. Sometimes not even allowed penetration, much less the orgasm " , explains Yolanda Falcon , body psychotherapist.

The psychological is also involved in how they experience orgasm, what is the difference between having an experience "standard" and a unique experience . " The physiological response of orgasm is always identical . The body responds with a fully neurological always the same. Why should one day be perceived as highly satisfactory and other day? By factors of daily life that affect us all, " says Ehrenfeld. The stress and depression are bitter enemies of sexual pleasure and problems in the relationship. "The sex life is an objective reflection of what the married life. If there's a lie, it does in other aspects of the relationship, " said Matuk. In the opinion of experts, it is common for women to feign an orgasm . "Many do so for the man not be disappointed" , when what question is to find a way to both enjoy, says Falcon.

They note that the orgasm is, to some extent, overrated. "It's a download that takes seconds, and that is not not talking about a sexual relationship failed. It is not important when a person enjoys all the meeting " said Falcon. To Ehrenfeld "there are many elements in a sexual encounter. Orgasm is not mandatory, not a race. " Specialist reports that a few decades ago, when widely publicized multi-orgasmic capacity of women, "the first cause of consultation in the offices of the sexologists was called 'Why I I am multi-orgasmic? ' Not everyone has to be. " Matuk believes that orgasm can be achieved in many ways , "not only intercourse, it can be through touching, fondling, we get into a series of 'I have to' and is no longer fun instead of making the game something enjoyable. " Juan Luis Alvarez-Gayou explains that many women feel bad about not reaching orgasm after penetration when "humans are poorly designed for the penis during intercourse, can generate an orgasm to a woman. Many live it, it does not mean that those who do not have to be bad " .

Ehrenfeld notes that the idea that man is the head of a woman's sexual pleasure is not valid . "She puts in it the responsibility for their own welfare and feel. The claim that no women anorgasmic but incompetent men, is a poor way to treat the problem. Males take care of their bodies and we have to take care of us, " he says. Myths According to experts, are socio-cultural factors that affect women to experience orgasm . Misconceptions around sexuality , such that exercise is bad or sin, guilt and result in biases that inhibit sexual pleasure . "The company continues to have a body penalizing sensitive, erotic" says Ehrenfeld. The therapists agree that the best ally against self-exploration is anorgasmia . "The word masturbation caused an uproar among many people, but is part of the therapy sicocorporal" said Falcon, who regrets that there are people who stay a lifetime with a mediocre sex. Álvarez-Gayou should recognize their own body "with touching , caresses. That way the woman is recovering his body and, therefore, their feelings " . Ehrenfeld believes that self-examination is critical because it allows to know how your body reacts . On the sexual routine, academic points out that "we are animals with a lot of imagination is that exercise. "

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