
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cases of syphilis increase by 16% because young people use condoms less

The number of cases of people affected by syphilis has increased by 16% and has done so primarily because young people are relaxing in the use of condoms , which is why doctors are advised to "remain vigilant".

This is one of the conclusions of the 'Guide to Good Clinical Practice in Sexually Transmitted Infections', presented by the Medical Association (WTO) and by ten specialists in family medicine, epidemiology, dermatology and venereology.

In 2010 there were 2909 cases of syphilis (5.56 per 100,000 inhabitants), a 16% increase in 2009 , when 2506 were detected.

Canary Islands, Madrid and Asturias were the regions that showed more cases.

The profile of these patients respond mostly to young people with homosexual or heterosexual practices that have maintained contacts with prostitutes or drug users .

Spain is being shelter for prostitution from Eastern Europe or Central Africa, areas with higher rates of syphilis, as explained by Dr. Angel Herrera, and hence in part the cases have increased.

Syphilis is spread by sexual contact with a person with early stage disease.

Relation to HIV

Given the link with HIV , doctors are asked to re-launch AIDS prevention campaigns, which were advised to use condoms, because when you have developed fewer instances of sexually transmitted infections.

The guide aims to be a WTO -date reference manual for primary care physicians so they can make a quick diagnosis of these infections, which are major risk factors for HIV infection.

Physicians are asked to re-launch the AIDS prevention campaigns is not easy to reach an accurate diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections because many of them, especially in women, training courses asymptomatic , according to Dr. Lola Sánchez.

At present, syphilis is common in Spain and has surpassed gonorrhea . The latter has experienced a stabilization of the reported cases, even a slight decrease .

In many cases associated with concomitant infection with HIV . One in five people with syphilis have AIDS.

However, the number of people infected with AIDS has declined, a fact that is explained, according to Herrera, because there are people who are infected with HIV, but are not registered to be unaware of it.

In this situation, experts recommend that people who have given negative HIV test in a first phase, which re-do the past three months, because in this period of time there are "false negatives" .

"After those three months is very difficult and has false negatives, but in a first phase, if the test is done too early it can be a false negative," has had an impact.

Therefore, the guide advises primary care physicians always perform to order an AIDS test to patients who arrive with an infection from sexual transmission.

Human papillomavirus

Besides syphilis infection has also increased by human papilloma virus , whose presentation is a rough training and is responsible for various complications such as cervical carcinoma and various genital carcinomas

Experts point out that there is currently vaccinated against the infection , which in some communities is free for girls 12 to 14 years.

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