
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tell me how you work and tell you if (and how) will "run out"

 So as not to go to work would be false papers. Why leave hours at the office exhausted and powerless, in a bad mood, giving a malaise that just does not pass. It feels so who is right in the "burnout" work: a term that indicates over-exertion, but does understand what they can feel "burned" and exhausted when we come to hate the job, which willy-nilly occupies most of our lives. Now a survey of Spanish Aragon Institute of Health Sciences shows that there are three different types of "burnout", recognizable, being careful how we behave at work and considering other simple parameters.

THREE TYPES - According to data collected on about 400 employees of the University of Zaragoza and published in the journal BMC Psychiatry , it is possible to understand what kind of exertion we will meet and evaluate each sociodemographic our working lives. The "profiles" of burnout syndrome are three: the frantic, "consumers", the under-utilized. "The frantic work more than 40 hours per week: these people have an increased risk of experiencing burnout six times higher than those working less than 35 hours - says Jesus Montero-Marin, head of the study and researcher Aragón Institute -. This is usually the subject is too involved in the work, ambitious, working with many commitments and obligations; burnout "by frenzy" is common in those who make more than one job or has a fixed-term contract, in these cases because of 'eagerness to find a job full-time or greater stability. " The second profile, the "consumed", is typical of people who have long done the same work for over 16 years who does the same thing five times more at risk of burnout than those who change jobs or any type of job 4 years. Typically, these workers feel no responsibility, they believe that their value is not recognized and appreciated, very bored at work. Finally, the third profile is at risk of under-utilized: use dull, boring, no career opportunities. "In our survey, carried out a university, administrative staff and services is three times more likely to end up developing a burnout underutilization compared to teachers and researchers. They are above all men to be affected, because more often than women tend to "keep their distance" and not get involved against the company or institution they work for, "says Montero-Marin.

BURNOUT - Beyond the three profiles, then also has the type of training and education received: those who have studied little or too has the greatest risk of experiencing burnout, the first because they often have to accept jobs that require low skills and expose So just as a lack of recognition of their commitment, because the latter often end up thinking about the career of having invested more than they receive in return. That burnout resulting from an excess of commitments, from the monotony of little value or perception of their work, but the symptoms are always more or less the same: emotional exhaustion, low productivity and efficiency, lack of interest. To save himself, according to the psychologist Spanish, there is only rely on with: "To have a family, a happy relationship, a child acts as a kind of" airbag "protection at the end of the day's work we focus on other things, of the most important relationships and we are leaving behind the worries and stress of the office, "concluded Montero-Marin.

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