Various research shows that your lifestyle can positively influence your chances.
Weigh yourself. Being at a healthy weight (a BMI between 18.5 and 25) reduces the time as you can get pregnant, according to a study "Fertility and Sterility." For each number above 29 BMI in a woman's chances of getting pregnant are reduced by 4%. The weight to be under also affects conception increases the risk of abortion and premature birth, according to the fertility specialist Dr. Mark Perloe.
Avoid "bad" fats. Women who have low levels of trans fats and sugar and increasing amounts of are more fertile vegetable protein provides a study of the School of Public Health at Harvard. In research, obtaining 2% of total calories from trans fat sources doubles the risk of having fertility problems related to ovulation.
Sleep well. Too little sleep leads to low levels of the hormone leptin, and this decrease could the brain to stop non-essential functions such as ovulation.
Watch your lubricant. Studies show that water-based lubricants can harm sperm and hinder swimming. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine recommends using mineral oil or canola oil or a lubricant that does not affect the pH and Pre-Seed Personal Lubricant.
Relax! The more stressed women, less likely to conceive. Try to remove the stressors in your life or try meditation and yoga, both have been shown to increase the chances of pregnancy.