My new challenge now that I reached a healthy weight, the next challenge is to stay well. During the process I learned that eating well is not complicated, and even if you allow some snacks from time to time, the key to being online is not overeating. The tricks of skinny people to keep in line Many friends have wanted to celebrate my achievement and invited me to eat or drink and I know it is a difficult time, with lots of social engagements abound in which food and drink, but I stand firm on my healthy diet. If you are also trying to lose weight or do not want Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year will leave many pounds, follow these 8 tips to avoid gaining weight during the holidays . Like many, I'm planning an upcoming vacation and I know that this means being in front of the temptation to try new foods and dive and relax with a drink in hand. If this is your case, here other tips to help you avoid gaining weight when traveling . And well, before putting an end to this story I tell them that the next weekend to start my yoga classes, a workout that helps improve posture, strength, control and balance, and it is also very useful to relieve stress. I hope this also helps me to become more disciplined and follow the path of a healthier lifestyle.