Saturday, November 12, 2011
The chocolate is good exercise

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Blog Archive
- Vitamin D deficiency associated with heart disease...
- Injury prevention programs in athletes take time
- Rituximab would be effective in systemic rheumatoi...
- Fatty liver disease does not affect survival
- Propolis, a drug prepared by bees
- Create a 'superbrócoli' which removes toxins
- Children consume more buns than milk
- The medicinal value of a good diet
- A belt to stop cesareans
- Parental cancer can define the type of breast cancer
- Endometriosis affects 200 million women worldwide
- HPV vaccine recommended for preteens
- Will the pill make you gain weight? Totally false
- Oral sex increases neck cancers
- Sex after a heart attack
- Dreaming helps heal painful memories
- Hiper sex: the oppression of living in a permanent...
- High temperatures can shorten pregnancy
- Does chicken soup fights colds?
- What is the fart that appears when you run?
- What is the MCT8 defect?
- The eyes are large blooming love
- The Spanish researchers focused on finding a vacci...
- A book that offers help to those who have to care ...
- Fluorescent spray created to help cancer detection
- IQ can vary over the life
- Why is marijuana "places"?
- Why do some people eat more fruit?
- Recurrent ejaculation improves sperm quality
- Children born by cesarean section suffer more alle...
- For your heart, best apple kiwi
- Drugs for acne, possible cause of pharyngitis
- A condom? And 'manly choice
- What are the causes of an earache?
- Dreams "wipe out" the bad memories
- Use cortisone, how can I fight the side effects?
- "Exercise improves the quality of the diet"
- The home delivery has more risk
- Starting the day with an egg will keep you awake
- Yoga instructor 91 year old breaks record
- Warts on the neck, a hint to help you lose weight
- Being grateful helps fight stress
- Tips for healthy eating on a budget
- Abuse of Paracetamol can kill you
- Environments 100 percent smoke free, the best opti...
- Less salt is more healthy
- How probiotics
- Papillomavirus vaccine to poor countries will
- More care for pregnant women with polycystic ovary...
- Folic acid also helps prevent delays in language
- A urine test to predict preeclampsia
- The heart of the smaller, endangered
- The portrait of the psychopath
- Causes of aging
- False beliefs about sexuality
- Vaccines and Pregnancy: As little as possible, but...
- Secrets of antibiotic resistance
- Untreated infection, scenario
- The waist can tell us how the heart is
- Drink so much after a race? Wrong
- Beware of fish: the risks of pedicures "aquatic"
- We make too many unnecessary abortions?
- The super bacteria threaten Europe
- Catalunya tested the treatment of cancer using vir...
- 10% of births worldwide are premature
- What do you see the pill and cancer of the prostate?
- Removed thousands of jars of peanut butter salmone...
- For a stress-free holidays
- The female orgasm in pictures
- Millions suffer from hearing loss due to loud music
- I invite you to a drink because I want sex
- Drinking lots of drugs increases the risk of impot...
- Cheap statins are equally effective
- By the first drug against tuberculosis in 50 years
- Mothers after the cancer, you can
- Washing at low temperature: savings in energy but...
- Here the artificial heart that you control via th...
- Gb, physicians: banning smoking in cars
- Seniors: if you sleep deeply, the pressure does n...
- Tell me how you work and tell you if (and how) wi...
- Blocked nose? Sometimes it's just a feeling
- The home therapy is effective in severe pneumonia
- The incidence of lung cancer in women continues to...
- Cancer pain, a pending
- The "Achilles heel" of prostate cancer
- A step for cardiac regeneration
- Keeping nutrients in food
- Five ways to increase your happiness
- Dental cleaning reduces the risk of heart attack
- Cases of syphilis increase by 16% because young pe...
- Alcohol may increase breast cancer risk in adolesc...
- It is not asthma, COPD affects 10% of Spanish
- Acupuncture helps to treat side effects of cancer
- Keep the flu away from your home and family
- Use stem cells to repair heart
- White should go when it comes to fruit and vegeta...
- No caffeine daily for children
- Serious problems for the baby if the mother drink...
- Longest with fewer calories