
Monday, November 14, 2011

Adults with ADHD, recognize the symptoms

Romantic relationships are not easy and if your partner suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD for short in English, the problems are compounded. People affected by the disease show changes in mood, difficulty to honor appointments, poor choices ongoing financial and employment changes, problems that only add more stress to a relationship. Marriages with ADHD tend to be highly dysfunctional, especially if the person concerned has not been diagnosed. But ADHD does not have to end your marriage. There are very effective treatments that can save relationships and give better quality of life affected.

Here some tips to identify and recognize the symptoms if your partner has the condition.

Child ADHD ADHD runs in families. A good sign is if your child has been diagnosed with the same problem, is the opportunity to consult with your doctor or encourage your partner to be tested.

What do all people with ADHD are not good doing household chores. Usually start doing more and more, from chores to parenting. The distribution of household tasks is usually 60-40, with women doing most. In relations with someone affected by ADHD is 95-5. This aspect can cause a lot of resentment between the couple.

You feel like a pesky Another sign that your partner might have ADHD is if you feel you are giving ever can. Usually the unaffected partner feels that the only way to accomplish things is annoying and can give, which will certainly affect the relationship. Find creative ways to ask for things that your partner and try to get help.

You feel abandoned long received much attention because it came out you had become its focal point. But once they married or decided to live together, the focus changes and the relationship is affected dramatically.

Your partner has problems at work, adults with ADHD do not necessarily suffer the same symptoms. But adults with ADHD often have difficulties at work because they do not pay attention to detail and serious errors by simple forgetfulness. Complete tasks and are not bad at follow up. If your partner has problems at work, Encourage them to consult with an expert who can give a diagnosis and treatment.

Money problems adults affected by ADHD have problems managing and saving money. They tend to be compulsive shoppers do not mortgage payments or utilities on time.

Your sex life is tense Having to treat the couple as a child with constant reminders and reprimands, may decrease the passion and desire in the partner of someone who suffers from ADHD. In many cases the same affected are distracted by other things and are less interested in sex.

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