WINNING WITH THE ACTIVITIES 'PHYSICS - Attention to diet and physical activity to beat the time diabetes is the theme of World Food Day 2011. And 'in fact shown that the regular practice of exercise best blood sugar, pressure and reduces mortality: so much so that the "moving" is always one of the first tips of each doctor. Curiously, however, still according to TNS Gallup survey, as 58% of Italians at high risk for diabetes, while thinking that it increases the likelihood of a sedentary lifestyle, is "moving" average population of less than 3 hours a week against 5 hours a week. "To remember how much physical activity, in the form of competitive sport, amateur or simple habit to get in shape, it is important to prevent or cure diabetes, because it improves several biological parameters such as glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and the risk cardiovascular system, promotes optimal psychological state by reducing levels of anxiety and depression, enhances self-esteem, we wanted to organize this event at the site of the National Olympic Committee, "said Gerardo Corigliano , President of the Italian National Diabetic Athletes (ANIADA) .
Changing Diabetes - In the course of the event were introduced to several projects and companies, designed and completed by people or athletes with diabetes, and the prizes were " Changing Diabetes for Sport 2011 "to 8 athletes with diabetes, who have particularly distinguished for sporting and social merits: Emmanuel Greek (hockey), Victor Fargnoli (rugby), Damiano Julio (Nordic Walking) Marco Mangiarotti (triathlon), Emanuele Marino (Thai boxing), Nicholas Marsella (volleyball), Livia Nicolucci (skating) Federica Varbella (cycling). "The Changing Diabetes Sports Prize is one of several initiatives of the international project Changing Diabetes sponsored by Novo Nordisk in order to give a turn to the concrete way of looking at diabetes and people who suffer from it, which must be at the heart of the system of care and assistance . Will enhance the motivation of athletes who are, in their condition a further spur to prove that the person with diabetes is no different, and indeed in many cases is better, "said Lorenzo Mastromonaco , Vice President for Europe of Novo Nordisk. Monday night, also during a ceremony at the residence of the Ambassador of Italy in Denmark, Birger Riis-Jørgensen, will be given to important personalities of the Italian political and social world, the Users' August Krogh and Marie "in 2011. The medal commemorates the 1920 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, August Krogh, and his wife Marie, companion in life and at work, suffering from diabetes, for the sake of the Danish doctor who strove to develop in the industrial production process of insulin.