
Monday, November 14, 2011

The food is good for your mind

Tea can help prevent mental disorders

Nutrigenomics and protective foods. More and more nutritious give confirmation of their action on cells, the DNA of cells. Now is the time of mental disorders, mental illness. Antioxidants and depression: the food of happiness. And in some cases, such as bipolar disorder, also curative. In English "food" rhymes with "mood", or "mood", and indeed are now several years nutritionists and psychiatrists supporting a potential role of dietary compounds in food and welfare of our psyche. Within the last congress of the European Society of Neuro Pharmacology in Paris precisely the emphasis was placed on the menu on the influence of the psychic sphere.

MENTAL HEALTH - The intake of antioxidants and their role on mental wellbeing. Even in some cases with healing qualities. It 'already known that the food is not only necessary to keep us alive, to be satisfied, to give us energy, to gratify the palate, but would play a fundamental role in determining our mood and our emotions. During the Congress, Michael Maes has presented numerous experimental and clinical data regarding the effect of nutritional antioxidants on behavior disorders. Just Maes was one of the first scientists to demonstrate a close causal link between oxidative stress in the brain and depression. In recent months were also published scientific studies that demonstrate the ability of antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin E to reduce depressive symptoms. Many plant polyphenols such as curcumin and tea catechins, have also demonstrated the ability to reduce behavioral problems, and such action was directly associated with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of these compounds.

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