
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The brain, the best medicine against indifference

This is what everyone longs for and hopes for the day, to love and be loved. That's why when love falters and our relationships become harmful, it feels like we're falling into a dark void of painful and apparently no way out. Until recently, it was assumed that mysterious forces or chance controlled human emotions and romantic relationships were maintained as puzzles to be understood only by the songs or romantic poets, but we seem to have been wrong all this time.

In the new book The New Science of Love , the renowned psychologist Dr. Fran Cohen Praver , is based on cutting-edge scientific findings and their two decades of experience as a therapist to try a surprising and hopeful, when love fades, it can literally use your brain to bring it back.

On this Dr. Praver us, "Studies have proven that we have a type of neurons called" mirror neurons, which reflect the inner world of each. These are connected to other neurons and are the link you with your emotions, feelings and memories. Thus how people fall in love with each other, when the brain releases these chemicals. " With regard to use the same brain to transform emotions, Dr. expands, "The brain is plastic and can change and reform if they are transformed behavior. When we entered negative patterns, such as insulting, blaming, anger, distrust be unfair and these are attached to the brain and it would seem that the relationship has no solution. For that reason is that people do the same things over and over again and not leave the circle.

But the best part is that when you know you can change, and that everything depends on you and how you choose to deliberately make that change, the action brings new experiences and you will be able to replace bad ideas with increasingly positive easily . " With step by step exercises and stories that illustrate the process of achieving the goals as a couple they have set, this innovative book is a piece of hope and inspiration that provides practical information on how to maintain a long healthy relationship time . Dr. Praver said, "The chemistry we once had, when the relationship becomes toxic, it disappears. When solving this problem again free. One of the steps that I use with couples is to ask you to unleash your imagination The act of imagining change the state of mind and brain chemicals uncovered. Suddenly you'll have those feelings for that person again. " Dr. Praver also presents and discusses issues the findings obtained through the process of research for publication, which lead couples to resume a healthy sex life, recognizing how the past scenarios are affecting current relationships, counter messages negative, improve communication, among other things. It also provides the tools to stop wallowing in the same blame game and learn to forgive. With regard to this type of situation explains,

"The forgiveness in a relationship is acquired through empathy. Studies show that these two elements are connected directly into the brain. When a partner is unfaithful, you need to forgive the other person to find a way to have empathy for the at fault. not to excuse but to understand what brought her there, put yourself in their shoes and try to find compassion. Then the person also needs to feel guiltily to ask forgiveness from a place that is sincere. Then you have to let go of guilt. Why, why blame him constantly when he or she should be which blames him / herself? "

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