
Saturday, November 12, 2011

6 ways to prevent cancer

Prevention is the key to staying healthy. Small adjustments to your daily habits can make the difference between live longer with more vitality free cancer.

Create a smoke-free zone. Although it may seem disgusting take a cigarette in his mouth, if you share with your health Smoking is at risk. The secondhand smoke is linked to lung cancer and recent research shows that third-hand smoke - a mixture of waste gases and snuff that stays in your clothes and furniture - can be harmful too. Do it provides. Create one rule that nobody can smoke in your car or home. Not only does the smoke smells horrible, but the chemical associated with third hand smoke can not aspire. Setting aside your furniture is the only way to clean the air.

Take it with wisdom. Taking a rest on Friday Margaritas happy hour you can have more consequences than a hangover. Alcohol activates certain cell pathways that promote cancer progression and spread of breast and colon, according to research from the University Medical Center Rush. Do it provides. The women are limited to one drink - 5 ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer or 1 ½ ounces of liquor - or less per day. To be able to adhere to a healthy portion, use smaller cups and use a meter when mixing cocktails liquor.

Vela weight gain. 20% of cancer-related deaths in women are linked to overweight, which can increase both the cancer risk as likely to die from it. Being overweight causes the body to produce more estrogen, which can promote the growth of certain cancer cells in some women. Do it provides. Pay attention to your weight. A study by Harvard University found that adults of normal weight gained an average of 17 pounds in 20 years. And it's the little things that count: In four years, people who consumed an extra dose of chips gained 3.35 pounds and fries, 1.69 pounds, sugary drinks, 1 pound, the study found. Try eating healthier snacks.

Move for 30 minutes. Whether walking, hula-hoop or Zumba, try doing some cardiovascular exercise every day. The American Cancer Society recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise for 30 minutes at least five times a week to reduce the risk of cancer. Cardiovascular exercise lowers levels of estrogen, testosterone and insulin, factors that increase the risk for cancer. Do it provides. If half an hour seems much, divide your workout. Jump rope for five minutes in the morning, take a fast-paced walk for 10 minutes at lunch and ride a bike for 15 minutes during the afternoon.

Protect your skin. You know that daily sunscreen is a must - American women each year 30.000 are diagnosed with melanoma - the fatal form of skin cancer. Do it provides. To ensure you have the proper filter, check your mark with the database Environmental Working Group (, which contains safety ratings and results of more than 1,700 products. Protect yourself with at least SPF 30 every morning, if you're in direct sunlight, reapply with a dose of two tablespoons every two hours.

Eat well. Research suggests that consumption of phytochemicals in food can fight cancer from prevention to stop cellular changes blood flow in a cancerous tumor. Do it provides. As a general rule, try to eat 2 ½ cups of fruits and vegetables each day varied to obtain a mixture of antioxidants and phytochemicals in your diet. Eat mostly fish, chicken and beans, studies show that consuming more than 18 ounces of red meat per week may increase the risk of cancer of the colon and pancreas. Try to eat whole grains, fiber helps move waste through potential carcinogen your system quickly, which reduces the risk of colorectal cancer. Take tea which contains catechins, antioxidants that lower your risk of cancer.

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