
Monday, November 14, 2011

Post-sex depression? Many women suffer

A surprising number of women feel sad and depressed even after having what they themselves call it good sex, according to a new study published in the International Journal of Sexual Health. It is a condition officially called postcoital dysphoria or post- intercourse, and regularly affects 10% of women, as revealed by this research.

How do you know you're experiencing depression post-sex?

The symptoms of this condition include sadness, anxiety, regret, and irritability , after a sexual encounter. "There is no doubt that many men and women swear to have these negative feelings after sex, and occasionally, after masturbating," said Debby Herbenick, the Center of Sexual Health Promotion at the University of Indiana.

In explaining the experts, this type of depression can affect people of any age . And some adults have mixed feelings about sex, derived from their upbringing, religion or other influences, and may experience guilt or frustration after a sexual encounter. This could be a factor especially in people with a tendency to addictive sexual behavior, they may experience a strong 'slump' after the orgasm. One of the theories that have experts on the origins of depression post-sex, is the hormonal changes you experience after orgasm, the same changes that sometimes can cause headaches after sex.

Sexual health experts also point out that these feelings of sadness or guilt may be due to other problems in the individual or reclining the couple, such as low self-esteem or resentment against someone else. The first thing a person should do to solve this problem, it would pay more attention to their emotions and talk with your partner. But if a person continually feels sad after intercourse and can not find the source of your depression, it should talk to your doctor and seek help from a counselor or sex therapist, suggests Herbenick.

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