
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Nine of every 10 women suffer from vaginal infections

Almost all women have suffered or will suffer in his life a yeast infection and in hot weather is when you increase the risk of suffering some type of vaginitis. vaginitis is a problem that causes infection or inflammation in the vagina. It is the main reason for gynecological and affects 9 out of 10 ten women throughout his life, is not required to be sexually active to contract an infection. Hormonal disorders, clothes too tight, synthetic clothing, douching, and lack of hygiene, are factors that can contribute to getting a vaginal infection.

There are several types of infections and the most common are: Bacterial vaginosis: the infection is more common in women of reproductive age and is caused by a drop in the pH of the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis gray vaginal discharge and odor.

Trichomoniasis is usually transmitted through sexual intercourse, but also contracts of moisture. It is caused by a tiny single-celled organism that infects the vagina producing a foamy yellow-green that often smells bad as well as irritation and burning during urination. These symptoms may worsen after menstruation.

Fungal Infections and viruses: They are caused by a species of fungus called "Candida" is in small amounts vagina, mouth and digestive system, usually an imbalance of bacteria, hormones and sugar can generate an increase of the fungus. There are thick vaginal discharge with a consistency like cottage cheese and has no smell. 's pregnancy, diabetes or obesity, are some conditions that contribute to these fungi proliferate easily.

Some of the most common symptoms for infection are vaginal : vulvar itching burning or painful urination yellowish-white discharge, smelly abundant and discomfort during sex.

 The best way to prevent infection is to follow good hygiene practices of women: Keep the area clean and dry. Do not douche, because they can alter the normal balance of organisms in the vagina. Do not use scented soaps, bubble baths, scented tampons, vaginal deodorants or powders. Wear cotton underwear, it helps to absorb moisture and allows air to circulate. Avoid fabrics like nylon or lycra. Use condoms to avoid contracting or spreading STDs.

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