
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Training program for fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia, WHO says it is a disorder of pain modulation of unknown cause, characterized by symptoms of chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain and profound exhaustion, which is accompanied by exaggerated sensitivity defined at multiple points, unchanged demonstrable organic. affects a high percentage of women, the proportion of men compared to 8 to 1. Is almost nonexistent in children. In addition to pain and exhaustion, people with fibromyalgia experience some of the following symptoms: - stiffness and rigidity of the body. - Sleep Disorders. - Headaches or facial muscles. - Discomfort abdominal. - irritable bladder. - Paresthesias. - numbness or tingling. - Chest pains. - costochondralgia (muscle pain where the ribs meet the breastbone). - Imbalance and dizziness. - Increased sensitivity to the environment.

According to several studies, known that regular exercise can change the quality of life of patients with fibromyalgia, because it minimizes deconditioning process and maintaining a good level of fitness. Therefore, an appropriate exercise program to improve aerobic capacity, flexibility and joint mobility is of paramount importance and one of the most important treatments for patients with this disease. In this program we will focus on the mobility. In future programs, try the other aspects. It is very important to follow the strict program as possible and not change any parameter of this, because we would lose effectiveness and could endanger our health. We must not forget that exercise is a "drug" that poorly administered and dosed, can have side effects. Therefore, it should be prescribed ALWAYS Bachelor of Physical Activity specialist. Before You Begin. Program Objectives: - Reduce the intensity of pain. - Restore / improve strength and function of our body to better cope with our tasks everyday. - Prepare your heart and cardiovascular system to better tolerate efforts. - Improving our CPR. - Improve your psychological counteracting fatigue, stress and / or depression commonly associated with this disease. Special Considerations: - Avoid perform the exercises at a high speed. - Avoid holding your breath (Valsalva maneuver) is very important to take a breath and continuous with no breaks in all the exercises.

It is important to perform the exercises with control of movement and speed to hurt you . - It is very important initial assessment and regular monitoring by a doctor to avoid complications. - hydration is very important before, during and after exercise. Guidelines for training: - Make 2 sets of 15 to 30 repetitions of each exercise, except walking exercises at a moderate pace, which have their own specifications. - Rest 30 seconds between each set. - The intensity of work should be such that if the value of 1 to 10 where 1 is no effort and 10 is extremely hard effort, we find between 2-3. - It is very important to hydrate before, during and after exercise. - It is important not to disturb the order of the exercises. - This program is carried out 5 times a week. - walk for 15 minutes at an intensity of 4-5 at the beginning and will increase each week in 3 minutes up to about 30 or 40 minutes at the same intensity. This was done 3 days a week. If in addition to asthma have some other problem or condition or have any questions, please ask a Bachelor of Science specializing in Physical Activity.

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