
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Smokers could lose a third of its memory

Many, many reasons why you should quit smoking , but maybe this new discovery of science to convince you once and for all what can be harmful habit. According to researchers at Northumbria University, smokers lose a third of their daily memory.

The study also found that those who kick the habit repair their ability to collect information about the same level as those who are not smokers. That's good news, right? site Marie Claire announced the results of this study, in which over 70 people between 18 and 25 years were given a tour of a university. They were asked to remember small details, like the groups that would play at an event place and the tasks performed in different parts of your tour. A smokers fared worse in this memory challenge, as only 59 percent recalled the tasks performed. Those who had quit recently recalled 74 percent of them, while those who had never smoked were able to recall 81 percent of the tasks. If you still doubt the evils caused by smoking, you should also know that smoking is more dangerous for women because nicotine causes them greater arterial damage to them than men. In addition, the snuff also causes serious birth defects when women smoke during pregnancy.

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