
Monday, November 28, 2011

Sex after a heart attack

Many people are afraid to resume an active sex life after suffering a heart attack for fear of experiencing another episode. But studies prove that this perception is wrong and that sexual activity can benefit heart attack survivors . People can have sex after recovering from a heart attack, even be considered a form of exercise that not only benefits but also the physical status the patient's mental. Of course, caution should be exercised. "Before testing in the room, should be tested on the pavement," says Dr. Gerald W. Neuberg, a cardiologist at New York Presbyterian

Hospital in reference to the patient should start doing some light physical activity - like walking - before holding sex . "Sex is physical therapy and, like any other physical activity, benefits the heart improving circulation, metabolism and reduces the risk of heart disease, "said the doctor, who said that also helps improve depression and anxiety in some patients. In 1996, scientists from Harvard University studied 800 heart attack survivors and concluded that the chances of having another attack while having sex are two in a million.

The study also found that people who exercise are less likely to suffer another attack. After a heart attack a person must make significant changes to your lifestyle. The sedentary should incorporate exercise into your daily routine, improve their diets and discard bad habits like smoking and excessive drinking. Exercise, and sex, help strengthen the heart, burn calories and build endurance.

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