
Friday, November 25, 2011

"Exercise improves the quality of the diet"

Eating well and being physically active is " essential for treating and preventing obesity . " So far, the relationship between the two was little known, but the study presented can "improve and enhance existing schemes approach and treatment of weight problems," says in a statement to Plataforma SINC the researcher from Harvard University, Miguel Alonso Alonso, coordinator of a work published in Obesity Reviews .

The survey data yield the conclusion that "the tendency to follow a healthy diet and to make adequate amounts of exercise often coexist in the same individual." This occurs because the exercise "increases sensitivity to physiological signals of satiety, which influences a better appetite control." In addition, sports also "modifies the hedonic responses to food stimuli."

Diet quality

The publication shows that "if an increase in physical activity, this is usually related to an obvious improvement of the quality of the diet and a noticeable weight loss." Therefore, and in attempts to reduce the rate of childhood obesity, the study authors call "encourage and facilitate physical activity in the general population, both in education and in the urban environment or in daily life."

Diet and exercise well performed promote better brain health. The second in particular, " improves performance on state tests that measure executive functions and increases the amount of gray matter and prefrontal areas connections , "says Alonso. One of the most important brain functions is inhibitory control, whose function is to suppress inappropriate responses. This is used to reject over-eat when we want to lose weight.

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