
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tips for good eye health

Risk habits such as reading in dim light, working at the computer for long hours, poor posture, and even snuff or a diet low in vitamins can affect your eye health. Know how to prevent major discomfort and improve your visual field.

1. What is the eye health?

It is the absence of eye disease, accompanied by a good visual acuity . The visual acuity in some cases (hipermiopía, myopia, astigmatism), may require the assistance of glasses, but that does not mean that the eye has a disease. Caring is to have healthy habits, healthy diet, an adequate intake of vitamins (A, C, E. ..) , either through diet or supplements, and consumption of items antioxidants (found in several vitamins and minerals) that appear to have health benefits in general and, specifically, for eye health.

2. Negative habits

To maintain good eye health is to avoid all those habits that lead one eye strain and not wearing the appropriate optical correction or excess or defect of illumination, the poor diet , vitamin deficiency, improper hygiene of the face and eyes and eyelids constantly touching with dirty hands, which can cause infections, smoking , dries the tear, squeeze or scratch their eyes when they bite because it causes problems with the cornea, not enough sleep, because during sleep Ocular surface aggression recovers all day and there is a regeneration of the epithelial cells lining the front of the eye, do not use appropriate goggles to protect us from the sun? living habits greatly influence the conditions eye , especially the factors related to diet and lack of vitamins. In addition, poor hygiene habits increase the likelihood of developing conjunctivitis, poor lighting and eye strain accelerates eye fatigue, eye squeezing and touch many favors constantly keratoconus (corneal disease), and also have more severe disease of the cornea by improper use of contact lenses.

3. Visual disturbances

Today there are more visual disturbances resulting from the use of computers and other electronic devices, how can we avoid them? - The effects of computer vision is highly dependent on the position in which we are working and the blinking. For example, if the monitor is too high, we are forcing the position and looking up, so we must keep our eyes open and can dry out more easily. It is right that the monitor is located below the line of the eyes , so that we are well seated and facing slightly down our backs and our necks and our eyes more relaxed in a natural position. This will prevent dry eye symptoms and pathologies arising from this dryness. It is also important to rest a few minutes every two hours and change in posture. The workplace also matters. In general, the office or home appliances are usually air, but humidifiers, which favors even cause dry eyes and dry conditions. Also by eyestrain excessive fatigue occurs mainly in people who have a small refractive error and have not yet corrected. - In the case of television , there are studies claiming that emits radiation and that their excessive exposure can be harmful in the long term . The distance should be at least five feet. And we must be especially careful with children because they love to get close to things, not only while watching TV or computer, but also to writing or drawing, even if not myopic, just miopizándose. When we are writing or working we must maintain a minimum distance 33 cm, and also to prevent problems in the optical system, also promoting good posture and prevent back problems. In terms of lighting , most importantly, well-lit the object we are looking at, but without any reflection and, of course, the eyes must receive light directly.

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