
Saturday, November 12, 2011

New hope for ovarian cancer

The ovarian cancer usually occurs in women over 50 years, but can also affect younger women.

The ovarian cancer is difficult to detect in advance. Many times, women with ovarian cancer have no symptoms or mild symptoms are until the disease is in an advanced stage. However, since there is a new alternative first-line drugs approved by the Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks.

Third place in the female cancers Worldwide has been ascertained that about a quarter of a million women each year at ovarian cancer, a disease that causes increased mortality in female cancers . According to information Histopathological Registry of malignancies, ovarian cancer is the third most common cancer in women. Mexico has a high prevalence of the disease as it is estimated that in 2011 will be diagnosed 4 000 new cases of which 70% will be in advanced stages. At present there were five deaths a day because of this condition.

Causes and Symptoms Age is considered a risk factor that increases after 55 years following menopause, among other things is a poor diet, smoking, overweight women who have not had children and hereditary causes, said Dr. Andrés Poveda oncologist and ovarian cancer expert at the Valencian Institute of Oncology. Among the most prominent symptoms are: constipation, loss of appetite, increased volume abdomen, fullness, weight gain, abdominal pain and sometimes abnormal vaginal bleeding. During the last decade or more, the treatment options for ovarian cancer have been limited to surgery and chemotherapy, but unfortunately, the women on stage advanced disease are likely to relapse by up to 95% of cases.

First-line treatment , however, thanks to the efforts of health research within the framework of the Congress of the Mexican Society of Oncology (SMEO) became know that the Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (COFEPRIS) approved the drug Avastin Roche in combination with carboplatin and paclitaxel for first-line treatment of epithelial ovarian cancer, fallopian tube and primary peritoneal FIGO clinical stage III and IV. "Bevacizumab is the first therapy worldwide that prevents the growth of blood vessels that nourish the tumor," concluded Dr. Poveda. This undoubtedly represents a major achievement for thousands of women suffering from this terrible disease. It is vital to acknowledge our body, not just on the outside, but also on the inside especially if it is a serious tumor such as ovarian cancer.

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