
Monday, August 13, 2012

The ABCDE of melanoma, five letters that could save your life

In these days of intense sun looks fresh, fresh, fashionable, sexy and showing lots of skin to give honor to summer. However, beware of ultraviolet (UV) because they can be deadly and damaging your health begin with the appearance of "mere specks" on your skin and thus cause the dreaded melanoma.

Melanoma is a cancer that originates in the skin by malignant transformation of cells called melanocytes. And the melanocytes are the cells that are responsible for the production of melanin, the substance that gives color to skin and hair and protects against UV radiation from the sun.

Melanoma is a type of aggressive skin cancer, which tends to spread very quickly and has a prognosis of less than eight months, however if melanoma is detected early can be curable.

It is therefore important to periodically check your body and your skin for any changes or abnormalities in moles and see a doctor if you have any doubt in the appearance of a mole. This way you could save your life with early diagnosis, preventing the disease continues to advance.

At a press conference, Dr. John W. Zinser Sierra, Coordinator of the Oncology Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, Autonomous University of Mexico, said that in America there are 3 million 500 thousand people with skin cancer each year. The survivors of skin cancer, melanoma is caused by about 800 thousand people."

The incidence of melanoma in women aged 18-39 has increased eight times in the past four decades, according to a study by the Mayo Clinic.

This high recurrence warn us to use the chart below as a reference when making your skin periodic review. As a way to detect skin cancer melanoma is taking into account the following aspects of a mole.

By Lourdes Gonzalez

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